Vermont (Central Vermont Ski Country)
Specialties: Skiing of all kinds, Hunting, Backwoods, Search & Rescue, Difficult Conditions
Chad has been wearing WeatherWool since our earliest days. He phoned me years ago when we had barely made anything, and we talked for about an hour. Chad has served on the Ski Patrol at Sugarbush Resort in Vermont since the early 1990s, and he is on the slopes in some of the worst conditions going. He's tested our garments in crazy cold and all-day rain and sleet. He also does cross-country skiing, skinning, backcountry activities and hunts with a variety of weapons. Chad has experience in Search and Rescue. Our was Chad's idea, and he is the lead designer. Click for a YouTube video of Chad and his infant son on the slopes!
When Chad and I spoke about the Advisor program, he was actually wearing his SkiJac, which he said he wears all the time ... that's not unusual!
20 June 2020